Athletic Field Maintenance

In Bucks & Montgomery County PA

Athletic Field Maintenance, Repair & REJUVENATION

Ahh, the morning dew, the smell of fresh-cut grass, the clink of an aluminum bat, parents lined up on their chairs and in the bleachers to watch the game.  It is sports season!  Is your sports field ready?  A field that is not in its peak condition can be dangerous or rendered useless.  And for many sports communities, the optimal care and maintenance can be too much.  That’s where we come in.  We have the skill, expertise and equipment needed to ensure that your athletic field is in the best shape for any activity.  Whether you are a municipality, school, church or private sports club, trust Blooming Green Lawn & Landscape, Inc. for your athletic fields’ maintenance and renovation.  We are Certified Turff Grass Professionals and can handle the needs of your baseball, softball, little league, soccer, football, lacrosse, field hockey or rugby field.

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Our services

Turf Care

Mowing, Verticutting, Precision Trimming, Edging, Blowing

Athletic Field Renovations & Repair

Infield Prep & Grooming, Pitchers Mounds, Home Plate, Warning Track


New Seed, Overseeding, Slit Seeding

Soil Health

Soil Testing, Core Aerification, Deep Tine Aerification, Fertilization, Weed/Insect/Disease Control

Mosquito, Tick & Flea Management

100% Organic - Kid & Pet Friendly

baseball field maintenance restoration montgomery county pa

Let’s create something beautiful

Get in touch with us to schedule an on-premise consultation to discuss what we can do to to enhance your property.

sports field maintenance bucks county pa